The coast of Málaga is home to the greatest biodiversity in the Mediterranean and in the European seas. This is because this is a strategic biogeographical site with many species from the European part of the Atlantic, Mediterranean species, as well as those from the subtropics in Northeast Africa, and endemic species typical of the area associated with the Strait of Gibraltar.
Due to the varied landscape consisting of beaches, cliffs, estuaries, swamps and dunes, as well as some important ecosystems such as corals in the rocky terrain or the sea Phanerogamae in sandy soil, there are many different plants and animals of all kinds: land, sea, sedentary and migrant. This is an ideal place for them to settle, build nests or just spend some time there until they become strong enough to complete their journey.
Around 60 different plant communities have been distinguished. They consist of varied emblematic, unique, protected or endangered species (around 80).
To sum up, we can say that there are more than 100 different sea birds, more than 30 coast plants, more than 15 different cetaceans, four kinds of turtles, three kinds of sea Phanerogamae, more than 200 fish kinds, more than 500 sea invertebrates, such as mollusc, crustaceans, echinodermata, Coelenterata, Polychaeta, Bryozoa, sponges and more than 150 seaweed species.